Engagement photos….
What are they? Do I need them? When? Where? How? Why?
There are so many questions circling the topic of engagement photos. I’m here to answer them all, or at least the ones that come to mind. I’m going to share the mistakes I made and what I did right when it came to my own engagement photos.
There can be a lot of mystery surround engagement photos. What do I wear? Where should the session take place? How do I find a photographer?
What are they?
The gist of it is that engagement photos are usually a private session with you and your significant other. Usually, couples choose to bring two to three outfits, sometimes more depending on the length of time. These photos are usually used on wedding websites, save-the-dates, and wedding invitations when appropriate to send to guest.
Do I need them?
I’m going to go with yes. I can’t really think of a scenario where it would be terrible to have a private photo session. I would have 100% regretted not having engagement pictures taken. Since ours were themed, they are even more special to me.
You’re going to find a variety of answers for this one. Many sources say anywhere from 6-9 months before your wedding date. My opinion is if your wedding is over a year away, take them a little closer to your engagement, anywhere from 2-6 months afterwards. This helps keep that excitement spread out so you don’t lose any wedding planning momentum.
This is definitely a personal preference. If you are having your photos done at a destination spot, like Myrtle Beach, reach out to your local photographer and see what they recommend. On that note, if you are having a destination session, book your photographer in said destination because this makes everything easier logistically speaking. They, also, are going to know some real spots that photograph well.
Referrals. Referrals. Referrals. Ask your wedding planner for recommendations; they will have plenty and can also pick a few that can cater to your unique wedding vision. If you are without a planner, do your research. Look up different photography styles. Scour Pinterest. Check Instagram . Ask your friends.
Engagement photos are a part of the wedding planning journey. They are a great opportunity to spend quality time with your soon-to-be spouse. I started a photo album of our engagement photos, which is yet to be finished but that’s neither here nor there. Family is also a driving factor is many couple’s choices to have engagement photos taken. It’s nice to see a photo of you and your significant other on the mantle, next to the family dog.
Do’s & Don’ts
Mistake 1: Not Picking Comfortable Clothes and Shoes
Boy, was this a mistake. I made the poor decision to wear brand new heels for our photo session. Don’t do that because I gave up and walked barefoot when it was time for the outfit change. Ew.
Mistake 2: Not Having Outfits Organized
My trunk looked like a department store threw up in it. It was bad. Which stressed me out even more. Make it easier on you, your fiancé, and your photographer by having everything straightened out beforehand.
Mistake 3: Forgetting to Take Off My Watch
I am still kicking myself for this one and you can’t see it in every photo but it still bothers me. Especially if your engagement shoot is themed.
Tip 1: Pre-Plan Specific Locations/Shots
After speaking with our photographer, we all loved the idea of doing a few shots in front of a movie theater. I also researched the area, looking for anything that might catch my eye.
Tip 2: Have Your Outfits Packed Ahead of Time
Yours and your partner’s. Specifically, have your clothes packed in pairs, i.e. your green dress and their jeans and button down. This is going to eliminate any possible confusion and streamline the whole process.
Tip 3: Have Fun
I know it’s easier said than done, especially if one or both of you is uncomfortable in front of a camera. Be playful and enjoy this special experience. Ask your photographer for any recommendations they have.
Tip 4: Practice
It sounds a little weird but it definitely helps. Back to being uncomfortable, while there isn’t a foolproof way to be camera ready, there is a way to ease your discomfort. Have a friend or family member help with a mock session. You can dress up as much as you like or as little, but have a test run in the comfort of your own home or somewhere familiar to ease any unease when the really engagement photos come around.
Overall, engagement photos can be an exciting step in your wedding planning journey. They are what you make of them. Go into this experience with an open mind and you will be surprised by the outcome. Was there anything I missed? Comment below!
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